Thursday 31 March 2011

Our First Blog Post!

This is really great!!!! our first blog post. Let us introduce to you our group.

We are the 3NH gang. We called our group is 3NH coz' our name start with the letter N and H. We love singing. Every members have their own idol. Husnina's idol is Miley Cyrus, Humairah's idol is Taylor Swift and Hazwani's idol is Ke$ha. And we love to bring our phones to school..........the purpose we do that know? to sing our favourite songs!! We always talk about our idol.......especially Husnina...Well....that's all we can tell.....we'll post something new to you..(some day, we don't know when).......and remember to follow this blog!!!bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luv ya

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